Safe Haven

A young woman narrates her journey into madness while her life is shown in key flashback moments.

The Full Review:


Okay, well maybe this is an older film of his, but still, Carl Sundstrom’s work has always been solid and unique to the horror genre, and Safe Haven is yet another great work of his. For those who are unfamiliar with the genius of Carl Sundstrom, he also made a found footage film called Documenting The Witch Path, that was quite exceptionally different from other found footage films (I’ll include my review of that at the bottom of the post).

Safe Haven is told through narration and flashback, and it’s quite disturbing, as pieces of the mystery that is the young woman’s life is revealed.

This is very well written. There’s a lot of intrigue and suspense throughout, thanks to the writing. It’s a story that just gets more disturbing as you go, with a lot more to it than there initially appears to be.

The soundtrack is harrowing, especially for a short film. It really goes the extra mile in giving you this creeping sense of dread the further you watch Safe Haven.

While there is acting in this, the big focus is on the voices, and they’re applied extremely well. The vocal performances will send chills down your spine as you watch this short film, and they give you a sense of foreboding.

This is also very visually well done. This is more of an arthouse approach than Carl’s other work, and it works really well in establishing this building sense of dread that you feel throughout.

Overall, Safe Haven is an intriguing and chilling short film that is another masterpiece in Carl’s filmography. I highly recommend you checking it out.


The review of Documenting the Witch Path can be found here:

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